Photo Archive

Junior Choir at our Harvest Festival Family Service
Members of St Mary's Church Junior Choir who led the singing at our Harvest Festival Family Service on Sunday 24th September with goods donated during the service to the Uttlesford Foodbank. More ...
Photos from the Youth Trip to Dreaming The Impossible Summer 2023
18 young people and leaders from our Aftershock and SW Community Church attended the DTI Summer Youth Conference at the Stafford Showground where they camped out, worshipped together, heard from the Bible and spent time in God's presence across 5 nights. More ...
Organ Scholar Appointed
St Mary’s Saffron Walden and St Mary’s Wendens Ambo have appointed the third Michael Swindlehurst Organ Scholar, Ziyi Wang, a year 11 pupil at Saffron Walden County High School More ...
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Panorama photos of  St Mary's interior
Thanks to Iain Walker. 21st February 2023 More ...
Church Panorama Iain Walker
Junior Choir Cake Stall
Members of our Junior Choir running their cake stall on Saturday 4th February 2023 to support their forthcoming trip to Ely. More ...
Holocaust Memorial Service 27 January 2023
St Mary’s held two events to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. In the afternoon, over 250 school children and 60 adults attended a memorial service at St Mary’s Church and Baroness Cox gave a further talk in the evening. More ...
Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s homeless - Jan 2023 
Aftershock, the young people’s group at St Mary’s parish church, raised £2,450 for Jimmy’s homeless charity in Cambridge when they prepared for and entertained 56 guests at a dinner evening on Saturday, 14th January 2023. More ...
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Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal 18 Dec 2022
Photos from our Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal on 18 December 2022 with full Choir and Brass More ...
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Christmas Fair Photos 26 November 2022
Many thanks to all who made this event so successful in raising £4,684 for our church. More ...
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Deanery Confirmation Service Sunday 16th October 2022
At an exciting confirmation service on Sunday 16th October 2022, eighteen young people and adults, ranging in age from 11 to 82, affirmed their faith in Jesus Christ. More ...
Friends' visit to Lincoln Cathedral on Friday 9th September 2022
A group of The Friends went by coach up to Lincoln on 9th September and as you can imagine the Cathedral was a sombre but awesome experience. All tours were cancelled and there was a sense of peace throughout the building. More ...
Friends Lincoln Trip 9Sept2022
Congratulations Rev'd Ella Harris
Ella Harris was ordained Deacon at Chelmsford Cathedral on Sunday 11th September 2022 by Bishop Guli. Ella is licensed as Assistant Curate to the Team but will focus her ministry jointly on the Cam Villages Churches and St Mary's, Saffron Walden. More ...
Weekend Away 27-29 May 2022 Photos
Our Weekend Away at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, was attended by 75 parishioners of all ages from the Saffron Walden and Villages Team Ministry. It was a great opportunity to meet together in a relaxed, spiritual and inspiring setting. More ...
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Friends' Trip to Ely Cathedral April 2022
Above photo taken on Friends of the Parish Church's day trip to Ely Cathedral on Thursday 28th April 2022. Find out more about our next outing to Bury in June and how you can support our church by joining the Friends of the Parish Church More ...
Friends Ely Trip 28 April 2022
Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal 19 December 2021
Photos taken during the Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal 19 December 2021 More ...
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Scything the wildflower areas of the churchyard
Scything the wildflower areas of the churchyard is now complete, and the grasses or ‘windrows’ will be raked and removed next week. This is all part of our work as an Eco Church, which is also why we are taking part the Great Big Green Week. More ...
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Drone Photo of St Mary's - July 2021
Many thanks to SkyTech Cambridge for this lovely drone photo of our church taken in July 2021 More ...
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Ascension Day Sunrise Photos
Many thanks to Celia Bartlett Photography for these very atmospheric photos taken from our church rooftop at sunrise on Ascension Day 13th May 2021. More ...
Drone Photos of St Mary's - May 2021
Many thanks to Jamie Wright for sharing this beautiful video and photos that he took recently of our church with his drone - May 2021 More ...
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New Team Rector Installed
We are delighted to announce that the Rev’d Jeremy Trew has been appointed Team Rector of the Saffron Walden and Villages Team Ministry and Area Dean and will start his ministry here in early March 2021. More ...
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Photos from Advent Carol Rehearsal 1st Dec 2019
Photos of our choir rehearsing prior to our Advent Carol Service on Sunday 1st December 2019 More ...
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Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s - Jan 2020 
Aftershock, the young people’s group at St Mary’s parish church, raised £3,905 for Jimmy’s homeless charity when they entertained 68 guests at a dinner evening on Saturday, 11th January 2020. More ...
Christmas Fair Photos 30 Nov 2019
Photos from St Mary's Christmas Fair on 30th November 2019 which raised over £5,500 towards church funds. More ...
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David's Farewell  23/24th November 2019
A great barn dance at the Chesterford Community Centre on the Saturday evening and a very moving Eucharist and farewell at St Mary's Saffron Walden on the Sunday morning attended by over 400 parishioners. More ...
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10am Holy Communion at St Mary's
Photos taken to give a feel of what our 10am Holy Communion service is like, but slightly different to normal as it was Advent so no altar cloth and the Junior Choristers were not singing that morning. More ...
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Lay Funeral Minister 
Judith Hasler has been authorised by Bishop Stephen as one of the first Lay Funeral Ministers in the Diocese. She was commissioned on 12th October 2019, along with three others in a Celebration of Lay Ministry at Chelmsford Cathedral. More ...
Harvest Festival 2019
St. Mary’s celebrated Harvest Festival at a special family service on Sunday 15th September. Members of St Mary’s Church Guides and Brownies attended the service and the church junior choir led the singing of traditional and contemporary harvest hymns. More ...
Soul Survivor Photos 2019 
A selection of photos from the last Soul Survivor camp at the Peterborough showground from 17th to 21st Aug 2019 which 5 members of our Aftershock youth group attended. More ...
From the Archives
Photo of St Mary's Church Choir Saffron Walden taken in 1913 More ...
St Marys Choir 1913-2017-1200
St Marys Flower Festival Photos 23-26 August 2019
St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden, was thronged by around 2,000 visitors enthralled by a grand Flower Festival during the August Bank Holiday Weekend. There were over 40 splendid exhibits by local flower arrangers, each representing a saint. More ...
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St Mary's wins DAC Design Award
We have received a HIGHLY COMMENDED DESIGN AWARD for the Welcome Building Project work at the west end of St Mary's SW by the Diocesan Advisory Committee More ...
U3A Photoshoot at St Mary's 
Here is a selection of photos taken by members of Saffron Walden U3A's Photography Group in April 2019. Many thanks to Brian Eascott, David Powell, Graeme Cowling, Hugh Herdon, Martin Hugall, Tony Marks and Tony Treglown and to Gill Caswell for her help. More ...
Songs of Praise 1986!
BBC Songs of Praise at St Mary's Church in Saffron Walden in 1986. There are a number of familiar but younger faces that you might recognise! More ...
Songs of Praise 1986
Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s Jan 2019
Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s Nightshelter in Cambridge 12 January 2019. Over £1600 was raised for Jimmy's by our youth group Aftershock. More ...
Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal Photos 16 December 2018
Christmas Carol Service Rehearsal Photos 16 December 2019 More ...
Christmas Fair Photos - Nov 2018
Photos from our Christmas Fair on 24th November 2018 with a Pantomime theme, and which raised over £6,000 for church funds. More ...
Confirmation Service - 25 Nov 2018 
Five young people and five adults were confirmed in a service led by the Bishop of Colchester More ...
There but not there...
The seated silhouettes in the church and in the memorial garden are a commemorative installation to the fallen of the First World War who were linked to Sewards End, as part of a project called "There But Not There". More ...
Soul Survivor 18-23 August 2018 
5 young people from our church joined with another 15 people from the Colchester area to attend Soul Survivor at the Peterborough Showground for 6 days in August 2018. More ...
Ordination to the Priesthood - 29 Sept 2018
Ordination to the Priesthood on 29th September 2018 at St Mary’s Church Saffron Walden. Rachel Prior and John Saxon and others were ordained priests by Rt Revd Roger Morris, the area Bishop of Colchester. More ...
Harvest Festival 16 Sept 2018 
On 16th September 2018 – St. Mary’s celebrated Harvest Festival at a special family service. Members of St Mary’s Church Guides Section attended the service and the church junior choir led the singing of traditional and contemporary harvest hymns. More ...
St Marys Harvest 16 Sept 2018-
Weekend Away Belsey Bridge - June/July 2018
Weekend Away Belsey Bridge 29 June-1 July 2018 – Photos More ...
Aftershock Jimmy’s Dinner Photos 6th Jan 2018
Congratulations to our Aftershock youth group which raised a record £2,033.75 for Jimmy’s Homeless in Cambridge with their charity dinner on January 6th 2018. More ...
Drone footage of church in snow 
Thanks to Jamie Furlong for this drone video of our church in the snow after Christmas – 28 Dec 2017 as posted on Facebook and YouTube. More ...
Photos from Carol Service Rehearsal 17 December 2017  
Photos from Carol Service Rehearsal 17th December 2017 More ...
Christmas Fayre Nov 2017 Photos 
In achieving the much needed funding of £6,770, your contribution to the event, whether large or small, added much needed variety to attract people into our church. The mix was vital! Your co-operation was amazing! Thanks again! More ...
Flower Festival September 2016
Selection of photos from our Flower Festival from 30 September to 2 October 2016. Flower arrangements on the theme of 'Songs of Praise' depicting familiar hymns. More ...
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